Saturday, February 17, 2007

Thank You for Listening

Being a DJ on The Arc has been so exciting Sean and I've only had four shows. We've mentioned new findings within the scientific field, covered the Peace Rally and played anti-war songs. On our second show the artist of one of the selected songs was actually tuning in!

I just want to thank everyone for their support by writing Sean and myself, Kelley, messages outside the radio booth and flirting with the glass, whilst flashing everyone inside or texting intimate love notes. We love you.

Our first show was a humbling experience with the new system in place. I’m still a newbie on the show. We just had our fourth show yesterday. Already we’ve had a live performance by Jeremy Ryan, and played local bands’ works along with some students’ demos over the air.

We're talking to local bands and branching out from quaint little Glenside to NY and DC, so we should have more live performances from now on.

Much Love from the Studio!
Sean & Kelley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Kitty Cat song was exciting! What a rush!!!!!!!!